Christian Albat
Education in Business Administration and Training as an Industrial Clerk
My main professional experiences:
- Instructor for 9 Levels of Value Systems®, Germany and Austria
- Owner of ALBATrosse HR-Beratung mit Spannweite, Starnberg
- Director of Consulting and Training at Jochen Schweizer Corporate Solutions, Munich
- Freelance Trainer and Consultant at axiocon Netzwerk, Ravensburg
- Director of Training & Academy at Hasenöhrl Hof, Bayrischzell
- Director of Training in Sales & Marketing at Commax Consulting AG, Munich
- Team Leader of Consulting & Sales at, Paderborn
- Controlling, IT & Procurement Employee at AKZO Nobel, Wuppertal
I primarily focus on using the 9 Levels for:
- Development of values and mission statements for teams and companies (vision, mission, values)
- Team workshops (collaboration, role understanding, and conflict resolution)
- Leadership development (basic training, leading myself, and specific topics)
- Organizational development (alignment, change, and reorganization)
- Individual coaching (new to leadership, conflict issues, and career coaching)
What makes my certifications so valuable: My extensive experience with the 9 Levels! Both through my own more than ten years of work with the tool and my role as an instructor with over 200 participants in the last five years.